The so-called WHOIS details of any registered domain name contain details about the registrar company, the registration and expiration dates, as well as the names, contact number, postal address and email address of the owner, the admin and the tech/billing person. WHOIS is a special protocol that lets you retrieve all of this info either through a command line or via one of the many Internet websites that provide WHOIS lookup services. All information must be up-to-date in accordance with the regulations of ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. If some of the details are not correct, the domain address may be reported and the result could be its deletion or losing its ownership. Some country-specific domain name extensions have certain limitations concerning the editing of their WHOIS details, but in the standard situation any detail can be changed freely and at any time. Such a modification will appear on lookup Internet sites within twenty four hours.

Full WHOIS Management in Hosting

Managing the WHOIS details of any domain address registered using our company is quite simple using our Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The tool comes with every single Linux hosting package and provides a section devoted to your domains where all registrations shall be listed in alphabetical order. You are able to click on any Internet domain to check its current WHOIS info and with only a couple of clicks more you can update any part of it. Hepsia will even allow you to change multiple domains at once and you'll be able to change any detail which the respective top-level Registry allows to be changed. For several country-code TLDs, automatic updates of the owner names are not possible through the Control Panel, so you can contact us 24/7 and we will help you with the process. There are no limitations of any sort concerning the WHOIS updates of generic TLDs.

Full WHOIS Management in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All Internet domain names you register or transfer to a semi-dedicated server account from our company shall be handled through our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, which is also used to manage the hosting space. You will be able to check out the current WHOIS info for every single one of them with just one click and modifying any part of it shall take just a few clicks more. Hepsia shall also permit you to handle several domain addresses at once, so if you want to change your address or electronic mail, for instance, you will save lots of time because you will need to do it just once for all domains in the account. If you own a country-code Internet domain that supports WHOIS updates, but not automatic ones, we'll aid you with the task from the moment you contact us until the change takes effect. The domain names section of the CP will provide you with full control over all your domains and their WHOIS information.